Roy Glashan's Library
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A British chemist and author of young adult adventures for boys, of which at least two are of scifi interest: Within the Golden Globe (1934), a lost race tale set in sixteenth-century Asia, where an elixir of life is discovered; and The Crimson Caterpillar (1935), which also features a lost race, set in this case in the Sahara, and reachable by airplane.


* Burma Road Calling
     George G Harrap & Co., London, 1943

* The Crimson Caterpillar,
     Sampson Low, Marston & Co., Ltd., London  1935

* Curry Powder and Other Stories of Asia
     Chambers & Co., London, 1938

* Fetters of Freedom
     George G Harrap & Co., London, 1937
     (The Boy's Own Paper, Oct, Nov 1931)

* Scouts in the Shan Jungle
     George G Harrap & Co., London, 1937

* The Scouts of Ching's Island
  Pilgrim Press, London, 19??

* The Treasure of Gems 
     George G Harrap & Co., London, 1938
     (The Boy's Own Paper, 1930)

* Where the Master Lived
     Samspon Low, Marston &: Co., London, 1936

* Within the Golden Globe,
     George Harrap & Co., London, 1934


* Between the Two (sl)
  The Boy's Own Paper, Oct 5, Oct 12, Oct 19, Oct 26,
  Nov 2,  Nov 9, Nov 16, Nov 23, Nov 30, Dec 7, Dec 14, 
  Dec 21, Dec 28 1912, Jan 4, Jan 11, Jan 18, Jan 25, 
  Feb 1, Feb 8, Feb 15, Feb 22, Mar 1, Mar 8, Mar 15, Mar 22 1913

* The Blood of a Prince (ss)
  The Boy's Own Paper, Sep 1930

* The Cave Man (ss)
  The Boy's Own Paper, Jan 1929

* The Claws of Ka Weit (sl)
  The Boy's Own Paper, Oct, Nov 1936, Jan, Feb, Mar 1937

* The Disappearance of Bon Tcha Ngai (ss)
  The Boy's Own Paper, Jan 1924

* The Execution of Boh Tcha Nga! (ss)
  The Boy's Own Paper, Jun 1922

* Fetters of Freedom (sl)
  The Boy's Own Paper, Oct, Nov 1931

* The Fire-Walkers (ss)
  The Danger Trail, Jul 1927 

* The Ghost Claim (ss)
  The Boy's Own Paper, Oct 1929

* "Gorilla" (ss)
   The Boy's Own Paper, Jul 1930

* The Headless Elephant (ss)
  The Boy's Own Paper, Apr 1929

* Hsin the Faithful (ss)
  The Boy's Own Paper, Sep 21 1912

* The Idol with the Ivory Eyes (ss)
  The Boy's Own Paper, Sep 6, Sep 13 1913

* Jan Onalog. A Story of Smuggling Days (ss)
  The Boy's Own Paper, Oct 1915

* The Kidnappers (ss)
  The Boy's Own Paper, Jul 1932

* A Madcap Christmas (ss)
 The Boy's Own Paper, Dec 1931

* The Middy and Midi. A Story of Algerian Pirates (ss)
 The Boy's Own Paper, Apr 20 1912

* My Chum Tsarong (ss)
 The Boy's Own Paper, Mar 1927

* Off to Winter Sports Again (ar) 
 The Boy's Own Paper, Feb 1921

* Once Too Often (ss)
  The Boy's Own Paper, Jan 1931

* Only a Rat (ss)
 The Boy's Own Paper, Dec 1924

* Pahua! Pahua!! (ss)
 The Boy's Own Paper, Apr 1936

* The Revenge of Boh Tcha Ngai (ss)
 The Boy's Own Paper, Dec 1921

* The Royal Ruby (ss)
  The Boy's Own Paper, Feb 1929

* The Sender of Sleep (ss)
  The Danger Trail, Aug 1927

* The Seven Killers (ss)
 The Boy's Own Paper, May 1932

* The Shark (ss)
  The Boy's Own Paper, Dec 1929

* Shute Shelve (ss) 
  The Boy's Own Paper, Jan 1923

* The Silent Scribe (ss)
  The Boy's Own Paper, Aug 3, Aug 10, Aug 17 1912

* The Substitute (ss) 
  The Boy's Own Paper, May 1930

* The Taking of Boh Tcha Ngai (ss) 
  The Boy's Own Paper, Jan 1921

* The Treasure of Boevey Manor (ss)
  The Boy's Own Paper, Sep 1923

* The Treasure of Gems (sl) 
  The Boy's Own Paper, Nov 1930
  Book: George G Harrap & Co., London, 1938

* The Treasure of Talichow. A tale of Western China (ss)
  The Boy's Own Paper, Aug 1927

* The Two Page Boys (ss) 
  The Boy's Own Paper, Mar 1932, uncredited.

* A Unique School Club (ar) 
  The Boy's Own Paper, Oct 1926

* The Wonder Isle of Crete (ar) 
  The Boy's Own Paper, Sep 1938


Roy Glashan's Library
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period of 70 years or less, after the year of the author's death.
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Original content added by RGL (e.g., introductions, notes,
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