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PETER CHEYNEY (1896-1951)

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First published by Roy Glashan's Library, 2017
Version Date: 2022-11-14
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Can Ladies Kill?
William Collins, London, England, 1938
William Collins, White Circle Book #263, Jan 1941
Penguin Book #720, London, England, 1949
Penguin Book #720, London, England, 2nd imp., 1950
William Collins, White Circle Book #338m, Jan 1954
William Collins, Fontana Book #244, Apr 1958
William Collins, Fontana Book #244, 2nd imp., Sep 1960
William Collins, Fontana Book #1143, Oct 1965
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
Dames Don't Care
The Thriller Library, 31 Jul-18 Sep 1937 (8-part serial)
William Collins, London, England, 1937
Coward McCann, New York, NY, 1938
William Collins, White Circle Book #277, Jan 1943
William Collins, White Circle Book #340m, Feb 1954
Pan Book #G352, London, England, Apr 1960
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
Don't Get Me Wrong
William Collins, London, England, 1939
Pan Book #195, London, England, (Jan) 1952
William Collins, Fontana Book #96, Feb 1956
William Collins, Fontana Book #96, 2nd imp., 1957
William Collins, Fontana Book #96, 3rd imp., Jan 1960
William Collins, Fontana Book #817, 4th imp., May 1963
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
G-Man at the Yard
Poynings Press, Brighton, England, 1945
Corgi Book #T159, London, England, 1956
Ace Book #H388, New York, NY, Sep 1960
Four Square Book #1113, London, England, 1962
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2022
G-Man at the Yard and Three Short Stories
Contents (listed alphabetically):
* The Arrest
* Cocktail for Cupid
* Cocktail Party
* G-Man at the Yard
Todd Publishing Co., London, England, 1953
I'll Say She Does!
William Collins, London, England, 1945
Dodd, Mead, New York, NY, 1946
William Collins, White Circle Book #301m, Jan 1950
William Collins, White Circle Book #347m, Jan 1955
William Collins, Fontana Book #232, Feb 1958
Pan Book #G680, London, England, 1964
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
Mister Caution—Mister Callaghan (short stories)
Contents (listed alphabetically):
* Account Rendered
* Ain't Love a Scream
* The Big Shot
* Big-Time Stuff
* Black-Out
* Callaghan Plus Cupid
* Dames Are So Dizzy
* Dance Without Music
* The Date After Dark
* Documentary Evidence
* Duet for Mobsters
* Fifth Column
* From the Neck Up
* The Guess Comes Off
* The Heat for Six
* Hey...Duchess!
* Hey...Sherlock
* It Runs in the Family
* The Mouthpiece Talks
* Murder with a Twist
* On the Cards
* One for the Heiress
* Portrait of a G Man
* Sob Stuff
* They Had an Alibi
* They Had It Coming
* The Wine Glass
* You Can't Trust Duchesses
William Collins, London, England 1941
William Collins, White Circle Book #205c, May 1952
William Collins, Fontana Book #590, 1961
William Foster, Hounslow, England, Nov 1946, as "Time for Caution" (abridged)
William Foster, Hounslow, England, 2nd imp., 1948,as "Time for Caution" (abridged)
Never a Dull Moment
William Collins, London, England, 1942
William Collins, White Circle Book, Feb 1947
William Collins, Fontana Book #61, May 1955
William Collins, Fontana Book #61, 2nd imp., Jul 1956
William Collins, Fontana Book #61, 3rd imp., Nov 1957
William Collins, Fontana Book #593, 4th imp., Oct 1961
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
Poison Ivy
Detective Weekly, London, 10 Apr-19 Jun 1937 (serial)
William Collins, London, England, 1937
William Collins, White Circle Book #242, Jul 1939
Penguin Book #723, London, England, 1949
William Collins, White Circle Book #325m, Jan 1953
William Collins, Fontana Book #375, 1960
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
This Man Is Dangerous
William Collins, London, England, 1936
Coward McCann, New York, NY, 1938
William Collins, White Circle Book #245, Jan 1944
William Collins, White Circle Book #280, c.1944
William Collins, Fontana Book #35, Aug 1954
William Collins, Fontana Book #35, 2nd imp., 1956
William Collins, Fontana Book #35, 3rd imp., Jan 1959
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
Time for Caution
See "Mister Caution—Mister Callaghan"
You Can Always Duck
William Collins, London, England, 1943
William Collins, White Circle Book #288, Mar 1947
William Collins, White Circle Book #316m, Feb 1951
William Collins, White Circle Book #329m, Apr 1953
William Collins, White Circle Book #369m, Mar 1957
William Collins, Fontana Book #305, Mar 1959
William Collins, Fontana Book #652, 2nd imp., Nov 1962
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
You'd Be Surprised
William Collins, London, England, 1940
William Collins, White Circle Book #285, c.1944
William Collins, White Circle Book #317m, Dec 1951
Pan Book #332, Apr 1955
William Collins, Fontana Book #612, 1962
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
Your Deal, My Lovely
William Collins, London, England, 1941
William Collins, White Circle Book #288, Mar 1947
William Collins, Fontana Book #179, Jun 1957
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017


See "Dangerous Curves"
Calling Mr. Callaghan
* A Spot Of Murder
* Double Alibi
* They Kidnapped Cecilia
* The Disappearing Diamonds
* The Telephone Talks
* In the Hall
* The Big Bluff
* The Missing Bullet
* The Man With Two Wives
* The Lady In Tears
* The Dencourt Stiletto
* Vengeance With a Twist
Todd Publishing Co., London, England, 1953
Ace Book #H293, New York, NY, Sep 1959
Fawcett Crest Book #s288, New York, NY, 1959
Four Square Book #1116, London, England, 1962
Four Square Book #1116, London, England, 1964
Four Square Book #1116, London, England, Apr 1965
NEL Four Square Book #1116, London, England, 1968?
Dangerous Curves
William Collins, London, England, 1939
William Collins, White Circle Book #283, c.1944
Penguin Book #721, London, England, 1949
William Collins, White Circle Book #232m, Jun 1952
William Collins, Fontana Book #209, Oct 1957
William Collins, Fontana Book #7356, 1986
Belmont, New York, NY, 1973, as "Callaghan"
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
Date After Dark (short stories)
Todd Publishing Co., London, England, 1946
Farewell to the Admiral
See "Sorry You've Been Troubled"
It Couldn't Matter Less
William Collins, London, England, 1941
Arcadia House, New York, NY, 1943
Handi-Books, Quinn Publishing, Kingston, NY, 1943, as "The Unscrupulous Mr. Callaghan"
William Collins, White Circle Book #298, Feb 1948
Pyramid, New York, NY, 1950, as "Set-up for Murder"
William Collins, Fontana Book #385, Feb 1960
William Collins, Fontana Book #7540, 1988
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
Mister Caution—Mister Callaghan (short stories)
Contents (listed alphabetically):
* Account Rendered
* Ain't Love a Scream
* The Big Shot
* Big-Time Stuff
* Black-Out
* Callaghan Plus Cupid
* Dames Are So Dizzy
* Dance Without Music
* The Date After Dark
* Documentary Evidence
* Duet for Mobsters
* Fifth Column
* From the Neck Up
* The Guess Comes Off
* The Heat for Six
* Hey...Duchess!
* Hey...Sherlock
* It Runs in the Family
* The Mouthpiece Talks
* Murder with a Twist
* On the Cards
* One for the Heiress
* Portrait of a G Man
* Sob Stuff
* They Had an Alibi
* They Had It Coming
* The Wine Glass
* You Can't Trust Duchesses
William Collins, London, England 1941
William Collins, White Circle Book #205c, May 1952
William Collins, Fontana Book #590, 1961
William Foster, Hounslow, England, Nov 1946, as "Time for Caution" (abridged)
William Foster, Hounslow, England, 2nd imp., 1948,as "Time for Caution" (abridged)
Set-up for Murder
See "It Couldn't Matter Less"
Sorry You've Been Troubled
William Collins, London, England, 1942
Dodd, Mead, New York, NY, 1943, as "Farewell to the Admiral"
Pan Book #139, London, England, Jun 1950
Pan Book #139, London, England, 2nd imp., 1951
Pan Book #139, London, England, 3rd imp., 1951
Pan Book #139, London, England, 4th imp., 1952
William Collins, White Circle Book #362m, May 1956
William Collins, Fontana Book #521, 1961
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
They Never Say When
William Collins, London, England, 1944
Dodd, Mead, New York, NY, 1945
William Collins, White Circle Book #304, Mar 1950
William Collins, White Circle Book #345m, Feb 1955
William Collins, Fontana Book #188, Aug 1957
William Collins, Fontana Book #188, 2nd imp., 1960
William Collins, Fontana Book #188, 3rd imp., Feb 1963
William Collins, Fontana Book #1479,4th imp., Jun 1967
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
Uneasy Terms
William Collins, London, England, 1946
Dodd, Mead, New York, NY, 1947
William Collins, White Circle Book #306, Apr 1950
William Collins, White Circle Book #354m, Jan 1956
William Collins, Fontana Book #247, Jul 1958
Pan Book #G280, London, England, 1959
William Collins, Fontana Book #885, 1964
William Collins, Fontana Book #1775, c.1968
William Collins, Fontana Book #7539, 1988
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
The Unscrupulous Mr. Callaghan
See "It Couldn't Matter Less"
The Urgent Hangman
William Collins, London, England, 1938
Coward McCann, New York, NY, 1939
William Collins, White Circle Book #270, Apr 1941
Penguin Book #724, London, England, 1949
William Collins, Fontana Book #45, 1955
William Collins, White Circle Book #396m, Jul 1959
William Collins, Fontana Book #481, Jan 1961
Pan Book #G667, London, England, May 1964
William Collins, Fontana Book #7355, 1986
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
Vengeance with a Twist, and Other Stories)
Contents (listed alphabetically)
* The Big Bluff
* The Dencourt Stiletto
* The Disappearing Diamonds
* Fifth Column
* The Telephone Talks
* Vengeance with a Twist
Vallancey Press, London, England, 1946
You Can't Keep the Change
William Collins, London, England, 1940
Dodd, Mead, New York, NY, 1944
Pan Book #172, London, England, Aug 1951
Pan Book #172, London, England, 2nd imp., 1952
Pan Book #172, London, England, 3rd imp., 1952
William Collins, Fontana Book #161, Apr 1957
William Collins, Fontana Book #161, Apr 1962
William Collins, Fontana Book #1719, 1969
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017


Case of the Dark Wanton
See "Dark Wanton"
The Counter-Spy Murders
See "Dark Duet"
Dark Bahama
William Collins, London, England, 1950
Dodd, Mead, New York, NY, 1951
Eton, New York, NY, 1952, as "I'll Bring Her Back"
Pan Book #277, London, England, 1957
William Collins, Fontana Book #401, Jun 1960
William Collins, Fontana Book #962, 2nd imp., Jun 1964
William Collins, Fontana Book #1403, 3rd imp., Oct 1966
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
Dark Duet
William Collins, London, England, 1942
Dodd, Mead, New York, NY, 1943
Avon, New York, NY, 1944, as "The Counter Spy Murders"
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
Dark Hero
William Collins, London, 1946
Dodd, Mead, New York, NY, 1946
William Collins, White Circle Book #302, Feb 1950
William Collins, Fontana Book #74, Aug 1955
William Collins, White Circle Book #394m. Jun 1959
William Collins, Fontana Book #587, 1961
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
Dark Interlude
William Collins, London, 1947
Dodd, Mead, New York, NY, 1947
William Collins, White Circle Book #309, May 1950
Pan Book #432, London, England, Sep 1957
Pan Book #G317, London, England, 1959
Avon, New York, NY, 1959, as "The Terrible Night"
William Collins, Fontana Book #626, 1962
William Collins, Fontana Boos #1168, 2nd imp., Oct 1965
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
The Dark Street
William Collins, London, 1944
Dodd, Mead, New York, NY, 1944
Avon, New York, NY, 1946, as "The Dark Street Murders"
William Collins, White Circle Book, Apr 1947
William Collins, White Circle Book #315m, Jan 1951
William Collins, Fontana Book #123, Aug 1956
Pan Book #G647, London, England, Oct 1963
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
The Dark Street Murders
See "The Dark Street"
Dark Wanton
William Collins, London, England, 1948
Walter J. Black, New York, NY, 1948
Dodd, Mead, New York, NY, 1949
Star Weekly, Sep 24, 1949
William Collins, White Circle Book #328m, Feb 1953
Pan Book #381, London, England, Jul 1957
Pan Book #381, London, England, 2nd imp., 1957
William Collins, White Circle Boo, #375m, Apr 1958
Avon Books, New York, NY, 1958, as "Case of the Dark Wanton"
Pan Book #G257, London, England, 3rd(?) imp., 1959
William Collins, Fontana Book #662, 1962
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
I'll Bring Her Back
See "Dark Bahama"
The London Spy Murders
See "The Stars Are Dark"
The Stars Are Dark
William Collins, London, England, 1943
Dodd, Mead, New York, NY, 1943
Avon, New York, NY, 1944, as "The London Spy Murders"
William Collins, White Circle Book #296, Jun 1947
Pan Book #40, London, England, Jan 1948
Pan Book #40, London, England, ?th imp., 1950
Pan Book #40, London, England, ?th imp., 1951
Pan Book #40, London, England, ?th imp., 1952
William Collins, Fontana Book #107, Jun 1956
William Collins, Fontana Book #865, 1963
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
The Terrible Night
See "Dark Interlude"


Another Little Drink
William Collins, London, England, 1940
Dodd Mead, New York, NY, 1941, as "A Trap for Bellamy"
Avon, New York, NY, 1943, as "Premeditated Murder"
William Collins, White Circle Book #336m, Jun 1953
Pan Book #G108, London, England, Mar 1958
Pan Book #G108, London, England, 2nd imp., 1959
Pan Book #G108, London, England, 3rd imp., 1960
Cocktails and the Killer
See "Ladies Won't Wait"
The Curiosity of Etienne MacGregor
Locke, London, England, 1947
Corgi Book #T122, London, England, undated
Ace Book #H226, New York, NY, 1958, as "The Sweetheart of the Razors"
New English Library, London, England, 1962, as "The Sweetheart of the Razors"
Four Square Books, London, England, 1962 and 1964, as "The Sweetheart of the Razors"
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
Dance Without Music and Other Stories
Vallancey Press, London, England, 1944
William Collins, London, England, 1945
Dodd, Mead, New York, NY, 1948
William Collins, White Circle Book #357m, Mar 1956
William Collins, Fontana Book #514, 1961
The Deadly Fresco
Serialised in:
The Age, Melbourne, Australia, 18 Jan-17 Feb 1932
The Ballymena Observer, Antrim, Northern Ireland, 3 Aug 1934 ff
The Chronicle, Adelaide, Australia, 7 Mar-30 May 1935
First UK book edition:
The Moray Press, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1939 as "Deadly Fresco" by Lyn Southney
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017

French editions:
Monsieur Callaghan, Presses de la Cité, Paris, Sep 1953
as Book No. 142 in the series "Un Mystère"
Mister Callaghan, Édito-Service, Les Classiques du crime, Paris, 1982

Italian edition:
Non cé due senza tre (All Things Come in Threes), Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milan, 1955,
as Book No. 331 in the series "Il Giallo Mondador"
Death Chair
The Sheffield Mail, England, 18 Apr 1931, ff (serial)
The New Zealand Herald, 21 May-16 July 1932 (serial)
Detective Weekly, London, 16 Jan 1937
as "The Riddle of the Strange Last Words" by Stephen Law (abridged)
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
Dressed to Kill
Poynings Press, Brighton, England, 1945, as "Night Club"
Todd Publishing Co., London, England, 1952
Corgi Book #T108, London, England, 1955
Ace Book #H260, New York, NY, 1959
William Collins, Four Square Book #1291, 1965
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
French edition:
Night Club, Presses de la Cité, Paris, 1952
as Book No. 106 in the series "Un Mystère"
The Gold Kimono
Serialised in:
The Sunday Times, Perth, Australia, 5 Oct-18 Dec 1930
The New Zealand Herald, Auckland, 31 Jan-13 Feb 1931

Reprinted in:
The Detective Weekly, London, 29 May 1937, as by Stephen Law (abridged)
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
Ladies Won't Wait
William Collins, London, England, 1951
Dodd, Mead, New York, NY, 1951
Avon, New York, NY, 1957, as "Cocktails and the Killer"
William Collins, Fontana Book #27, May 1954
William Collins, White Circle Book #390m, Apr 1959
Pan Book #G471, London, England, 1961
Lady, Behave!
William Collins, London, England, 1950
Dodd, Mead, New York, NY, 1950, as "Lady Beware"
William Collins, Fontana Book #19, Mar 1954
William Collins, White Circle Book #387m, Feb 1959
Lady Beware
See "Lady, Behave"
The Man Nobody Saw
See "You Can Call It a Day"
Mistress Murder
See "One of Those Things"
The Mark of Hop Fi
See "The Vengeance of Hop Fi"
Night Club
See "Dressed to Kill"
One of Those Things
William Collins, London, England, 1949
Dodd, Mead, New York, NY, 1950
Avon, New York, NY, 1951, as "Mistress Murder"
William Collins, Fontana Book #8, Oct 1953
Pan Book #G407, London, England, 1960
Premeditated Murder
See "Another Little Drink"
The Riddle of the Strange Last Words
See "Death Chair"
The Sign on the Roof
The Hawick News, Scotland, 26 Jul-27 Sep 1935 (10 parts)
The Auckland Star, New Zealand, 14 Sep 1935-5 Oct 1935
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
Sinister Errand
William Collins, London, England, 1945
Dodd, Mead, New York, NY, 1945
Avon, New York, NY, 1957, as "Sinister Murders"
William Collins, White Circle Book #299, Feb 1948
William Collins, White Circle Book #332m, Apr 1953
William Collins, White Circle Book #363m, Jan 1957
William Collins, Fontana Book #314, Apr 1959
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
Sinister Murders
See "Sinister Errand"
The Sweetheart of the Razors
See "The Curiosity of Etienne MacGregor"
A Trap for Bellamy
See "Another Little Drink"
Try Anything Twice (variant title: Undressed to Kill)
William Collins, London, England, 1948
Dodd, Mead, New York, NY, 1948
William Collins, White Circle Book #333m, May 1963
William Collins, Fontana Book #325, Jun 1959
Avon, New York, NY, 1959, as "Undressed to Kill"
Undressed to Kill (See "Try Anythin Twice")
The Vengeance of Hop Fi
Serialised in:
The Sheffield Mail, England, 1928
The Auckland Star, New Zealand, 7 Jul-1 Aug 1928
The West Australian, Perth, 1 Sep-13 Oct 1928
The Queenslander, Brisbane, Australia, Mar 14-Jun 6, 1929

Reprinted in:
Detective Weekly, London, England, 29 Jan 1937,
as "The Mark of Hop Fi" by Stephen Law (abridged)

First book edition:
Roy Glashan's Libary, 2017
You Can Call It a Day
William Collins, London, England, 1949
Dodd, Mead, New York, NY, 1949, as "The Man Nobody Saw"
Pan Book #224, London, England, Oct 1952
William Collins, Fontana Book #169, Feb 1957
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017


Account Rendered
Vallancey Press, London, England, 1944
Adventures of Alonzo MacTavish
Contents (listed alphabetically):
* The Clash with Dr. Klaat
* He Walked in Her Sleep
* The Missing Rembrandt
* Too Many Cooks
Todd Publishing Co., London, England, 1943
The Adventures of Julia
* Lady in Luck
* This Intuition Business
* A Tough Spot for Cupid
* You'd Be Surprised
* Not-So-Secret Service
* This "Other Woman" Stuff
Poynings Press, Brighton, England, 1945
Belmont, New York, NY, 1975, as "The Killing Game"
The Adventures of Julia and Two Other Spy Stories
Todd Publishing Co., London, 1954
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2022
* Lady in Luck
* This Intuition Business
* A Tough Spot for Cupid
* You'd Be Surprised
* Not-So-Secret Service
* This "Other Woman" Stuff
* Escape for Sandra
* The Tiger at Twelve
Alonzo MacTavish Again
Todd Publishing Co., London, England, 1943
The Alonzo MacTavish Omnibus (illustrated e-book)
Contents (listed alphabetically):
* Alonzo—Sportsman
* The Arrest
* The Biter Bit
* The Black Mantilla
* Chinese Music
* Clash With Dr Klaat
* The Diamond Scarab
* The Dope Lady
* He Walked in Her Sleep
* He Who Laughs Last
* The House with the Glass Roof
* The House with the Yellow Brick
* The Lady In Green
* Luck—And A Lady
* The Lucky Chance
* A Matter Of Luck
* The Mauser Pistol
* The Missing Rembrandt
* The Murder Of Alonzo
* The Mystery Blues
* One Born Every Minute
* The Peacock Fan
* Pearls Before Time
* The Return of Klaat
* The Snowball
* Sold!
* To Him Who Waits
* Too Many Crooks
* The Three Grey Men of Mote Hall
* Truth Is Never Acceptable
* The Unhappy Lady
* We Girls must Hang Together
* The Wo Hang Coffin
Roy Glashan's Libary, e-Book, 2017
Cocktail for Cupid, and Other Stories
Contents (listed alphabetically):
* Christmas for Callaghan
* Cocktail for Cupid
* The De Lanier Technique
* Getlin's Perfect Suicide
* A Life for a Lamp
* Poets Can't Take It
* Three Men on Tampa
Bantam, London, England, 1948
Cocktail Party, and Other Stories
Bantam, London, England, 1948
Date After Dark, and Other Stories
Todd Publishing Co. (Polybooks), London, England, 1946
Escape for Sandra
Todd Publishing Co. (Polybooks), London, England, 1945
Poynings Press, Brighton, England, 1945
Bantam Books, London, England, 1948
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2022
Fast Work, and Other Stories
Contents (listed alphabetically):
* The Death on Panhandle
* Fast Work
* Gangster Stuff * The Last Straw
* The Tiger at Twelve
William Collns, Four Square, London, England, 1964
G-Man at the Yard
Poynings Press, Brighton, England, 1945
Corgi Book #T159, London, England, 1956
Ace Book #H388, New York, NY, Sep 1960
Four Square Book #1113, London, England, 1962
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2022
G-Man at the Yard and Three Short Stories
Contents (listed alphabetically):
* The Arrest
* Cocktail for Cupid
* Cocktail Party
* G-Man at the Yard
Todd Publishing Co., London, England, 1953
He Walked in Her Sleep, and Other Stories
Contents (listed alphabetically):
* Alonzo - Sportsman
* The Biter Bit
* The Black Mantilla
* Chinese Music
* The Clash with Doctor Klaat
* The Diamond Scarab
* He Walked in Her Sleep
* He Who Laughs Last
* The House with the Yellow Brick
* Lady in Green
* Luck...and a Lady
* The Mauser Pistol
* The Missing Rembrandt
* The Murder of Alonzo
* The Peacock Fan
* The Return of Klaat
* Sold!
* Too Many Cooks
* The Wo Hang Coffin
Todd Publishing Co., London, England, 1946
Belmont, New York, NY, 1973, as "MacTavish"
Todd Publishing Co. (Polybooks), London, England, 1946
Todd Publishing Co., London, England, 1953 (expanded)
Ace Book #H237, New Yorl, NY, Jan 1959
William Collins, Four Square Book #616, 1962
William Collins, Four Square Book #616, 2nd imp., 1962
William Collins, Four Square Book #616, 3rd imp., 1964
William Collins, Four Square Book #616, 4th imp., 1965
New English Library, London, England, Mar 1968
Information Received, and Other Stories
Contents (listed alphabetically):
* Exit Permit
* Information Received
* The Man with the Eyeglass
* The Pin
* The Sleeping Car
Bantam, London, England, 1948
The Killing Game
See "The Adventures of Julia"
Knave Takes Queen
Contents (listed alphabetically):
* Of a Delay in the Post
* Of an Experience of Pierre Duchesne
* Of Honoria Dove-Mellifleur
* Of Pastoral Blackmail
* Of Perfume and Sudden Death
* Of the Demise of Mr. Evelyn Sout
* Of the King of Tarragona
* Of the Reclamation of Captain Kidd
* Of the Vengeance of Hyacinth Jones
William Collins, London, England, 1939
Mayflower-Dell, London, England, 1961
Mayflower-Dell, London, England, 2nd imp., Jul 1966
Lady in Green, and Other Stories
Bantam, London, England, 1947
The Lady in Tears, and Other Stories
Contents (listed alphabetically):
* Death in the Lift
* The Lady in Tears
* A Set-Up for Psychology
* You Can't Hit a Woman
Bantam Books, London, England, 1948
Love with a Gun and Other Stories
Contents (listed alphabetically):
* Love With a Gun
* A Matter of Habit
* ?
* ?
Todd Publishing Co. (Polybooks), London, England, 1943
Todd Publishing Co. (Polybooks), London, England, 1945
See "He Walked in Her Sleep, and Other Stories"
Making Crime Pay
Contents (listed alphabetically):
* Abie the Sleuth
* Enter Alonzo MacTavish
* The Humour of Lo-Chung
* I Should Know Better
* In the Bag
* It Comes Off Sometimes
* The Key
* Lady in Love
* Mayfair Melody
* Nice Work
* Not So Dumb
* One Born Every Minute
* One for the Duchess
* The Orange Kid
* The Pay-Off
* The Perfumed Ghost
* Truth Is Never Acceptable
* We Girls Must Hang Together
* Your Deal Madame
Faber & Faber, London, England, 1944)
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2022
The Man with the Red Beard
Todd Publishing Co. (Bantam), London, England, 1943
Vallancey Press, London, England, 1944
The Man with Two Wives, and Other Stories
Todd Publishing Co., London, England, 1946
A Matter of Luck, and Other Stories
Contents (listed alphabetically):
* The Arrest
* The Black Mantilla
* Chinese Music
* A Matter of Luck
* The Net of Doctor Klaat
* The Peacock Fan
Bantam, London, England, 1947
Mister Caution—Mister Callaghan
Contents (listed alphabetically):
* Account Rendered
* Ain't Love a Scream
* The Big Shot
* Big-Time Stuff
* Black-Out
* Callaghan Plus Cupid
* Dames Are So Dizzy
* Dance Without Music
* The Date After Dark
* Documentary Evidence
* Duet for Mobsters
* Fifth Column
* From the Neck Up
* The Guess Comes Off
* The Heat for Six
* Hey...Duchess!
* Hey...Sherlock
* It Runs in the Family
* The Mouthpiece Talks
* Murder with a Twist
* On the Cards
* One for the Heiress
* Portrait of a G Man
* Sob Stuff
* They Had an Alibi
* They Had It Coming
* The Wine Glass
* You Can't Trust Duchesses
William Collins, London, England, 1941
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2022
The Murder of Alonzo
Todd Publishing Co. (Polybooks), London, England, 1943
No Ordinary Cheyney
Contents (listed alphabetically):
* After Fiesta
* Angel in the Sky
* Birthday for Callaghan
* The Callaghan Touch
* Green in My Eye
* The Gypsy Warned Me
* La Belle Dame Sans Souci
* You Can't Trust Husbands
Faber & Faber, London, England, 1948
A Spot of Murder, and Other Stories
Contents (listed alphabetically):
* Blackout
* Double Alibi
* It Runs in the Family
* A Spot of Murder
* They Kidnapped Cecilia
Todd Publishing Co. (Polybooks), London, England, 1946
Time for Caution
Foster, Hounslow, England, 1946
A Tough Spot for Cupid, and Other Stories
Vallancey Press, London, England, 1945
The Unhappy Lady, and Other Stories
Contents (listed alphabetically):
* Alonzo—Sportsman
* The House with the Glass Roof
* The House with the Yellow Brick
* The Mauser Pistol
* The Mystery Blues
* The Three Grey Men of Mote Hall
* To Him Who "Waits"
* The Unhappy Lady
Bantam, London, England, 1948
Velvet Johnnie, and Other Stories
Contents (listed alphabetically):
* Account Overdue
* At the Grape-Vine
* Delayed Action
* Love and Larceny
* A Matter of Cooperation
* Sweet Murder at Figg's End
* Velvet Johnnie
William Collin, London, England, 1952
William Collins, White Circle Book #379m, Feb 1958
William Collins, Fontana Book, 1962
Vengeance with a Twist, and Other Stories)
Contents (listed alphabetically)
* The Big Bluff
* The Dencourt Stiletto
* The Disappearing Diamonds
* Fifth Column
* The Telephone Talks
* Vengeance with a Twist
Vallancey Press, London, England, 1946
You Can't Hit a Woman
Contents (listed alphabetically):
* Abie Always Pays
* Abie and the Gangsters
* Abie in Hollywood
* The Bump-Off
* Chicago Pay-Off
* The De Lanier Technique
* Death in the Lift
* The Death on Panhandle
* A Double Double-Cross
* Gun Moll Blues
* The Gigolo
* Honour Among Thieves
* The Humour of Huang Chen
* Information Received
* The Last Straw
* A Life for a Lamp
* The Man with the Eyeglass
* The Man with the Red Beard
* The Pin
* A Set-Up for Psychology
* A Square Deal
* Three Men on Tampa
* The Weeping Lady
* You Can't Hit a Woman
William Collins, London, England, 1937
Pan Book #272, London, England, Nov 1953 (abridged)
Pan Book #272, London, England, 2nd imp., 1954 (abridged)
William Collins, Fontana Book #222, Aug 1958
Pan Book #G510, London, England, 3rd imp., 1961 (abridged)
William Collins, Fontana Book #1331, [2nd imp.] Jun 1966
You Can't Trust Duchesses and Other Stories (coll)
Vallancey Press, London, England, 1945
Vallancey Press, London, England, 1946 (expanded edition)
The Best Stories of Peter Cheyney
Contents (listed alphabetically):
* Account Overdue
* After Siesta
* Black-Out
* The Death on Panhandle
* A Double Double-Cross
* Fifth Column
* Green in My Eye
* Honour Among Thieves
* La Belle Dame Sans Souci
* The Last Straw
* A Life for a Lamp
* Love and Larceny
* Mayfair Melody
* Nice Work
* Of the King of Tarragona
* One Born Every Minute
* The Pin
* Portrait of a G-Man
* Velvet Johnnie
Faber & Faber, London, England, 1954
The Mystery Blues, and Other Stories
Contents (listed alphabetically):
* Christmas for Callaghan
* Gangster Stuff
* The Mystery Blues
* The Three Grey Men of Mote Hall
Todd Publishing Co., London, England, 1954



Abe and the Gang
See "Abie and the Gangsters"
Abie Always Pays
[Abie Hymie Finkelstein]
Answers, 4 Feb 1939
You Can't Hit a Woman, William Collins, London, England, 1937
Abie and the Fire-Bugs
[Abie Hymie Finkelstein]
The Sunday Graphic and Sunday News, 9 Jan 1938
Abie and the Gangsters
[Abie Hymie Finkelstein]
The Evening Standard, 27 Mar 1936, as "Abe and the Gangsters;" illustrated by Mendoza
You Can't Hit a Woman, William Collins, London, England, 1937
The Daily News, Perth, Australia, 30 Jun 1938 as "Abe and the Gang"
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017, as "Abe and the Gang"
Abie in Hollywood
[Abie Hymie Finkelstein]
The Statesman, Calcutta, 31 Mar 1940
You Can't Hit a Woman, William Collins, London, England, 1937
Abie the Sleuth
[Abie Hymie Finkelstein]
Making Crime Pay, Faber and Faber, London, 1940
A Double Double-Cross
Hutchinson's Mystery Story Magazine, May 1924
Account Rendered
[Slim Callaghan]
Illustrated, Sep 14, 1940
Birthday for Callaghan
[Slim Callaghan]
Collected in No Ordinary Cheyney, Faber & Faber, London, England, 1948
The Australian Women's Weekly, 24 Mar 1951
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
[Slim Callaghan]
Collected in Mister Caution—Mister Callaghan, William Collins, London, England 1941
The Sydney Sportsman, Australia, 9 Mar 1942
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
Bread Upon the Waters
MacKill's Mystery Magazine (UK), May 1953
MacKill's Mystery Magazine (US), Jun 1953
Callaghan Plus Cupid
[Slim Callaghan]
Illustrated, Oct 14, 1939
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
Callaghan's Shot in the Dark
[Slim Callaghan]
Illustrated, Dec 7, 1940
Chicago Pay-off
Collected in You Can't Hit a Woman, William Collins, London, England, 1937
The Barrier Miner, Broken Hill, NSW, Australia, 12 Oct 1935
The Queenslander, Brisbane, Australia, 29 Jul 1937
The Daily News, Perth, Australia, 21 Oct 1937
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
Christmas with a Punch
The Chronicle, Adelaide, Australia, 10 Dec 1931
Sussex Agricultural Express, East Sussex, England, 23 Dec 1931
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
Cocktail for Cupid
Modern Woman, London, England, May 1946
Australian Women's Weekly, 2 Jan 1953
G-Man at the Yard and Other Stories, Poynings Press, Brighton, England, 1945
Cocktail for Cupid and Other Stories, Bantam, London, England, 1948
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
Dance Without Music
The Sydney Sportsman, Australia, 30 Mar 1942
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
Date After Dark
[Slim Callaghan]
Illustrated, Oct 12, 1940
Documentary Evidence
[Slim Callaghan]
Illustrated, Dec 9 1939
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
Double Alibi
[Slim Callaghan]
Illustrated, Aug 14 1943
A Double Double-Cross
Hutchinson's Mystery Story Magazine, May 1924
John Bull, 23 Jul 1949
Fast Work
Fast Work and Other Stories, London: Bantam 1948
MacKill's Mystery Magazine (UK), v4 #3 1954
MacKill's Mystery Magazine (US), Jul 1954
Fifth Column
[Slim Callaghan]
Illustrated, Aug 24, 1940
From the Neck Up
[Lemmy Caution]
Truth, Sydney, Australia, 14 Sep 1941
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
G-Man at the Yard
[Lemmy Caution], (na)
The Thriller Library, 26 Jun 1937
The Gangster
The Sunday Herald, Sydney, Australia, 28 Dec 1952
MacKill's Mystery Magazine, Jun 1953
MacKill's Mystery Magazine (US), Jul 1953
The (John) Creasey Mystery Magazine, Jul 1958
Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine, Oct 1958
The (John) Creasey Mystery Magazine (US), Mar 1959
The Saint Detective Magazine (US), May 1966
The Saint Detective Magazine (UK), May 1966
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
He Walked in Her Sleep
[Alonzo MacTavish]
Illustrated, 8 Apr 1939
Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine, Jan 1957
The Humour of Huang Chen
You Can't Hit a Woman and Other Stories, Collins, 1937
The (John) Creasey Mystery Magazine, Sep 1956
I Should Know Better
Britannia and Eve, Aug 1940
It Runs in the Family
[Slim Callaghan]
Illustrated, Nov 9, 1940
The Lady Takes a Twist
Britannia and Eve, Apr 1940
Love Can Be Deadly
The Saint Detective Magazine (US), Mar 1955
The Saint Detective Magazine (Australia), Sep 1956
The Saint Detective Magazine (UK), Nov 1956
Love Can Be Wonderful, (nv)
Britannia and Eve Jan 1941
Love with a Gun!
Illustrated, 4 Mar 1939
The Adelaide Mail, Australia, 13 May 1939
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
A Matter of Habit
Love with a Gun and Other Stories, Polybooks 1943
MacKill's Mystery Magazine (UK), v4 #4 1954
MacKill's Mystery Magazine (US), Aug 1954
The (John) Creasey Mystery Magazine, Feb 1957
Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine, May 1960
A Matter of Obligation
Hutchinson's Adventure-Story Magazine, Jun 1927
Murder Is Never Late
[Lemmy Caution], (na)
Triple Detective, Fall, 1950
Murder with a Twist
[Slim Callaghan]
Illustrated, Odham's, London, 28 Oct 1939
The Sydney Sportsman, Australia, 23 Feb 1942
Collected in Mister Caution—Mister Callaghan William Collins, London, England 1941
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
Nice Work
[Lemmy Caution]
The Evening Standard, London, Oct 5, 1936
The Yorkshire Evening Post, 7 Jan 1947
Not So Dumb
Britannia and Eve, Feb 1942
Of Pastoral Blackmail
[Det. Insp. Krasinsky]
Knave Takes Queen, Collins 1939
The Saint Detective Magazine, Jan 1958, as "Pastoral Blackmail"
Of Perfume and Sudden Death
[Det. Insp. Krasinsky]
Knave Takes Queen, Collins 1939
The Saint Detective Magazine, Jun 1957
One Born Every Minute
[Alonzo MacTavish]
Illustrated, 29 Apr 1939
Pastoral Blackmail See "Of Pastoral Blackmail"
Pearls Before Time
[Alonzo MacTavish]
Illustrated, 1 Apr 1939
The Perfumed Ghost
Britannia and Eve Jan 1940
The Philosopher
The Telegraph, Brisbane, Australia, 5 May 1936
The World's News, Sydney, Australia, 24 Jun 1936
MacKill's Mystery Magazine (UK), Mar 1953
MacKill's Mystery Magazine (US), Apr 1953
The (John) Creasey Mystery Magazine, May 1957
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017
Western Daily Press and Bristol Mirror. 24 Mar 1934
The Robe
Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine, Apr 1961
The Rope
MacKill's Mystery Magazine (UK), Dec 1952
MacKill's Mystery Magazine (US) Dec 1952
The (John) Creasey Mystery Magazine Oct 1956
Sleeping Car
Information Received and Other Stories, London: Bantam 1948, as "The Sleeping Glass"
MacKill's Mystery Magazine (UK), v4 #2 1954
MacKill's Mystery Magazine (US), Jun 1954
The (John) Creasey Mystery Magazine, Dec 1956
The Sleeping Glass
Information Received and Other Stories, London: Bantam 1948; also as "Sleeping Car".
Truth Is Never Acceptable
[Alonzo MacTavish]
Illustrated, Apr 15, 1939
Suspense (UK), Nov 1959
Velvet Johnnie Went to Prison
The Saint Detective Magazine, Jul 1956
Vengeance with a Twist
[Slim Callaghan]
Illustrated, 18 Jan 1941
We Girls Must Hang Together
[Alonzo MacTavish]
Illustrated, 22 Apr 1939
Short Story Magazine, Aquamarine Cover, 194?
You Can't Trust Duchesses
[Slim Callaghan]
Illustrated, Nov 11 1939
The Sydney Sportsman, Australia, 23 March 1942
Roy Glashan's Library, e-Book, 2017


The Adventures of Alonzo MacTavish, serial, 1939
The Callaghan Touch, serial, 1941
Knave Takes Queen, 1941
The Key, 1941
The Lady Talks, 1942
Again—Callaghan, 1942
The Perfumed Murder, 1943
Concerto for Crooks, 1943
Parisian Ghost, 1943
The Callaghan Come-Back (serial), 1943
The Adventures of Julia, 1945
Way Out, 1945
Pay-off for Cupid, 1946
Duets for Crooks, 1946


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