Roy Glashan's Library
Non sibi sed omnibus

HTML1 = RGL version/HTML2 = PGA version

The Dr. Nikola Series
A Bid for Fortune (aka "Enter, Dr. Nikola") 1895 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Dr. Nikola (aka "Dr. Nikola Returns") 1896 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Lust of Hate 1898 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Dr. Nikola's Experiment 1899 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Farewell, Nikola 1901 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Simon Carne Stories
1. The Duchess of Wiltshire's Diamonds Feb 1897 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
2. How Simon Carne Won the Derby Mar 1897 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
3. A Service to the State Apr 1897 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
4. The Wedding Guest May 1897 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
5. A Case of Philanthropy Jun 1897 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
6. An Imperial Finale Jul 1897 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Novels and Novelettes
Across the World for a Wife 1898 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Beautiful White Devil 1896 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
A Bid for Freedom 1904 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
A Bride from the Sea 1904 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
A Brighton Tragedy 1905 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
A Cabinet Secret 1901 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Childerbridge Mystery 1902 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Connie Burt 1903 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
A Comnsummate Scoundrel 1904 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
A Crime of the Under-Seas 1905 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
A Desperate Conspiracy 1904 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Fascination of the King 1898 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
In Spite of the Czar 1905 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
In Strange Company 1894 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Kidnapped President 1902 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The League of the Twelve 1903 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Long Live the King 1900 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
A Lost Endeavour 1895 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Love Made Manifest 1899 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
A Maker of Nations 1899 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
A Man of the Crag 1907 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Marriage of Esther 1895 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
A Millionaire's Love Story 1901 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
My Indian Queen 1901 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Mystery of the Clasped Hands 1901 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
My Strangest Case 1901 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
An Ocean Secret 1904 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Pharos the Egyptian 1898 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
A Queer Affair 1903 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Race of Life 1906 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Red Rat's Daughter 1900 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
A Sailor's Bride 1897 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Sheila McLeod 1897 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Stolen Peer 1906 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
A Two-Fold Inheritance 1903 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Woman of Death 1900 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Short Fiction (Collected)
Bushigrams 1897 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Billy Binks, Hero 1898 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Countess Londa 1903 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
For Love of Her 1900 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
A Prince of Swindlers (The Viceroy's Protégé) 1900 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
A Royal Affair and Other Stories) 1906 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Uncle Joe's Legacy and Other Stories 1902 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Short Fiction (Individual Listing)
The Curious Story Apr 1894 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Hornibrook Island Dec 1897 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
No. 29 Oct 1894 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
A Professor of Egyptology 1904 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
A Strange Goldfield 1904 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB