Roy Glashan's Library
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Version Date 2020-05-12


Floyd Gibbons

* And They Thought We Wouldn't Fight (non-fiction)
    G.H. Doran, New York

* The Americans' First Shot in the War (story)
    [The Headline Hunter]
    Liberty, Jan 3 1931

* At That Moment the Torpedo Hit Us! (article)
    The Strand Magazine, Mar 1919

* Builders of Men (article)
    Liberty, Aug 14 1937

* The Charge of the Last Brigade (story) 
    [The Headline Hunter]
    Liberty, Nov 22 1930

* The Death of Mickey McGuire (story)
    [The Headline Hunter]
    Liberty, Nov 15 1930

* Eleven-Eleven-Eleven (article)
    Cosmopolitan Dec 1932

* Fair Enough! (story)
    Cosmopolitan, Nov 1933

* Fight and Flight with Villa (ss) 
    [The Headline Hunter]
    Liberty, Nov 1 1930

* The Headline Hunter (story)
   [The Headline Hunter]
   Liberty, Oct 11 1930

* How the Laconia Sank (non-fiction)
    Daughaday & Company, Chicago, 1917

* How Villa Robbed (story)
    [The Headline Hunter]
    Liberty, Oct 25 1930

* Hunting Headlines on Health-Lines (article)
    Liberty, Jun 22 1935

* It Happened in Monterey (story)
    [The Headline Hunter]
    Liberty, Nov 8 1930

* "Lafayette, We Are Here" (story)
    [The Headline Hunter]
    Liberty Dec 13 1930

* The Last Flights of a Famous Ace (story)
    The Master Thriller Series, #14, 1936

* Let's Drive Down to South America (article)
    Cosmopolitan, Feb 1934

* "Problem 14" (article)
    Cosmopolitan, May 1933

* The Red Knight of Germany (serial biography)
    Liberty, Jun 18-Nov 19 1927
    Doubleday, New York, 1927
    Cassell, London, 1927

* The Red Napoleon, (serial novel)
    Liberty, Apr 6-Aug 3 1929
    Jonathan Cape & Harrison Smith, New York, 1929
    Grosset & Dunlap, New York, 1929
    Brentano, London, 1929

* A Ride with Pancho Villa (story)
    [The Headline Hunter]
    Liberty, Oct 18 1930

* Through the School of War (story)
    [The Headline Hunter]
    Liberty, Dec 27 1930

* The Waterloo of Pancho Villa (story)
    [The Headline Hunter]
    Liberty, Nov 29 1930

* What's Brewing in America? (article)
    Cosmopolitan, Apr 1933

* Wine Goes Native! (article)
    Cosmopolitan, Jan 1934

* Wounded; How It Feels to Be Shot  (story)
    [The Headline Hunter]
    Liberty, Jan 10 1931

* The Yanks Arrive (story)
    [The Headline Hunter]
    Liberty, Dec 20 1930


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