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Version Date: 2023-02-24


British-born and educated at Berlin and Oxford, Ernest Favenc (1845-1908; the name is of Huguenot origin) arrived in Australia aged 19, and while working on cattle and sheep stations in Queensland wrote occasional stories for the Queenslander. In 1877 the newspaper sponsored an expedition to discover a viable railway route from Adelaide to Darwin, which was led by Favenc. He later undertook further explorations, and then moved to Sydney.

He wrote some novels and poems and a great many short stories, reputedly 300 or so. Three volumes of his stories were published in his lifetime:

The Last of Six, Tales of the Austral Tropics, 1893

Tales of the Austral Tropics, 1894

My Only Murder and Other Tales, 1899

His short stories range from bush humor to horror, supernatural to strange, and to the privations of late 19th century exploration in Australia's unforgiving inland. His first two short story books (consolidated into one volume, as there is considerable overlap), are available free as an ebook from Project Gutenberg Australia.

—Terry Walker, January 2023


The Abduction of Nettletop (story)
   Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 9 Oct 1907
   Uncollected Tales 3, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 3, ebook, Project Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Accursed Coin (story)
   The Australasian, Melbourne, 18 Jun 1892
   Uncollected Tales 3, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 3, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Askinville Feud (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 26 Aug 1899 
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

At Fever Camp (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 26 Oct 1901
   Uncollected Tales 3, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 3, ebook, Project Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

"Back in Ten Minutes" (story in series Tales of the Unexplainable)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 1 Feb 1896
   Uncollected Tales 6, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6, ebook, Project Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Belle of Sagamodu (story)
   My Only Murder and Other Tales, George Robertson & Co., Melbourne, 1899

Benson's Bride (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 6 Feb 1897
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Bill Somers (story)
   The Bulletin, Sydney, 16 Feb 1895
   My Only Murder and Other Tales, George Robertson & Co., Melbourne, 1899 
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Birds of the Air (story)
   The Sydney Mail, 20 Nov 1907
   Uncollected Tales 2, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 2, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Black Gin's Curse (story in series Tales of the Unexplainable)
   The Evening News, Sydney 25 Jan 1896
   Uncollected Tales 6, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Black Waterhole (story in series Tales of the Unexplainable)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 30 Nov 1895
   Uncollected Tales 2, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 2, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Blood-Debt (story)
   Phil May's Annual #10, Winter 1899
   First published as An Outstanding Debt in The Evening News, Sydney 12, 19 Jun 1897

Blood for Blood (story)
   The Bulletin, Sydney, 17 Dec 1892
   My Only Murder and Other Tales, George Robertson & Co., Melbourne, 1899 
   Uncollected Tales 5, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 5, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Body-Stealing Extraordinary (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney) 13 Nov 1897
   Reprinted as The Girl Body-Stealer in Phil May's Illustrated Annual, Winter 1901-02
   Uncollected Tales 2, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 2, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Boundary Rider's Story
   The Bulletin, Sydney, 14 Dec 1895
   My Only Murder and Other Tales, George Robertson & Co., Melbourne, 1899 
   Uncollected Tales 5, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 5, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Boy and the Black (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 3 Nov 1900
   Uncollected Tales 4, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 4, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Bread Cast on the Waters (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 10 July 1897
   Uncollected Tales 1, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Brewsters Afflicted Dog (story in series Tales of the Unexplainable)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 28 Dec 1895
   Uncollected Tales 3, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 3, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Brown's Range (2-part story)
   The Argus, Melbourne, 20 and 27 Mar 1895
   Uncollected Tales 5, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 5, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

A Buccaneer's Diary (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 16 April 1898
   Uncollected Tales 4, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 4, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Burial of Owen
   My Only Murder and Other Tales, George Robertson & Co., Melbourne, 1899 

The Burning Mountain of the Interior (3-part story)
   The Queenslander, Brisbane, 15, 22 and 29 Mar 1890
   Uncollected Tales 2, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 2, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023
   Published as The Secret of the Australian Desert, Blackie and Sons, London 1895

A Bush Idyll
   The Evening News, Sydney, 9 Jun 1900
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Captain Étienne Despard (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 11 Sep 1897
   Uncollected Tales 2, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 2, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Cataleptic (story in series Tales of the Unexplainable)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 4 Jan 1896
   Uncollected Tales 6, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Chance Acquaintances (story)
   The Australian Town and Country Journal, Sydney,  13 Dec 1905
   Uncollected Tales 2, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 2, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Chapel in the Desert (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 18 Dec 1897
   Uncollected Tales 1, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Ching How's Revenge (story)
   The Critic, Adelaide, 14 Dec 1904
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

A Christmas of the Past (story)
   The Australian Town and Country Journal, Sydney,  9 Dec 1908
   Uncollected Tales 2, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 2, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Clarissa (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 29 Jul 1899
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Communicative Organ Grinder (story in series Tales of the Unexplainable)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 28 Sep 1895
   Uncollected Tales 6, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Confession of Giles Osborne (2-part story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 25 June and 2 July 1898
   Uncollected Tales 2, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 2, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Cook and the Cattle-Stealer (story)
   aka The Hut-Keeper and the Cattle-Stealer
   The Last of Six: Tales of the Austral Tropics,    Bulletin Publishing, Australia, 1893, 1894
   The Anthology of Colonial Australian Adventure Fiction,
   Melbourne University Press, 2011
   Uncollected Tales 6, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Cook's Love Story (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 18 Jun 1898
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Darkie (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 14 Aug 1897
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Dead Hand (story)
   The Bulletin, Sydney, 16 April 1881
   Reprinted as The Grasp of the Dead in The Evening News, 10 Nov 1900
   Uncollected Tales 6, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Dead Malay (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 1 Jul 1899
   Uncollected Tales 1, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Deaf Cook (story)
   As by "Dramingo"
   The Goulburn Herald, 3 Aug 1889
   Uncollected Tales 3, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 3, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

A Desert Mystery (story)
   The Australian Town and Country Journal, Sydney,  27 Mar 1907
   Uncollected Tales 5, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 5, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Desert Queen (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 2 Jan 1897
   Uncollected Tales 4, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 4, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Diary of a Sydney Office Boy (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 23 Jul 1898
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Doomed (story)
   The Australian Town and Country Journal, Sydney, 29 Apr 1899
   Uncollected Tales 5, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 5, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

A Doomed Man (story)
   The Australian Town and Country Journal, Sydney,  3 Nov 1900
   Uncollected Tales 5, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 5, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Doom of the Desert (story)
   The Queenslander, Brisbane, 14 Dec 1895
   Uncollected Tales 6, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Dopper's Legacy (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 15 Aug 1896
   Uncollected Tales 6, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Downfall of Smailes (story in series Tales of the Tender Passion)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 11 Jul 1896
   Uncollected Tales 6, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Drought Demons (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 30 Apr 1898
   Past Masters 107, ebook, MobileRead, 22 Nov 2022
   Uncollected Tales 1, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Eight-Mile Tragedy (story)
  The Bulletin, Sydney, 14 May 1892
   My Only Murder and Other Tales, George Robertson & Co., Melbourne, 1899 
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Ernest Favenc: Uncollected Tales, Vol. 1
   Compiled and edited by Terry Walker
   Posted at MobileRead, 25 Nov 2022
   Also published as The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1
   Roy Glashan's Library, 17 Jan 2023
   Project Gutenberg Australia
   01. A Tale of the Western Desert
   02. The Swagman's Dream
   03. A Hypnotic Experience
   04. The Drought Demons
   05. The Murder of Tom Bates
   06. A Fatal Gamble
   07. The Haunted Steamer
   08. The Mystery of the Death Stroke
   09. An Unwilling Pirate
   10. The Mount of Misfortune
   11. The Prisoner of War
   12. The Mad Hatter
   13. Tralooa
   14. The Puzzle Chart
   15. Fey
   16. The Lost Gully
   17. A Ghostly Tryst
   18. Fräulein von Heslau
   19. Bread Cast on the Waters
   20. The Dead Malay
   21. The Phantom Cab
   22. The Luck of Tintinburra
   23. The Skeleton's Legacy
   24. The Chapel in the Desert
   25. The Horror of Leston Downs
   26. Fate of Kittycrummie
   27. The Land of Wait
   28. A Long Road's End
   29. The Mistake of a Life
   30. Glugson's Bend Sanatorium
   31. The Last of Old Rat
   32. An Unquiet Corpse
   33. The Gonderanups
   34. My Only Murder

Ernest Favenc: Uncollected Tales, Vol. 2
   Compiled and edited by Terry Walker
   Posted at MobileRead, 15 Dec 2022
   Also published as The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 2
   Roy Glashan's Library, 20 Jan 2023
   Project Gutenberg Australia
   01. A Racial Mixture
   02. The Wastrel
   03. The Living Dead
   04. Fräulein von Heslau
   05. Never Save a Man from the Sea
   06. The Justice of Captain Dampier
   07. The Kaditcha
   08. The Black Waterhole
   09. The Great Treasure Lobster
   10. Kept Secret
   11. Body-stealing Extraordinary
   12. The Burning Mountain of the Interior
   13. The Mystery of the Pocket Book
   14. Jim's Latest Experience
   15. For Peace and Quiet
   16. A Christmas of the Past
   17. The Birds of the Air
   18. Something to his Advantage
   19. Captain Etienne Despard
   20. An Outside Incident
   21. A Message From The Desert
   22. How We Slewed Old Stoney

Ernest Favenc: Uncollected Tales, Vol. 3
   Compiled and edited by Terry Walker
   Posted at MobileRead, 19 Dec 2022
   Also published as The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 3
   Roy Glashan's Library, 27 Jan 2023
   Project Gutenberg Australia    
   01. Horatio's Confession of Hope
   02. The Lady Ermetta
   03. The Shadow of a Shadow
   04. A Gruesome Shipmate
   05. Matthewson's Invisible Pig
   06. Four Junction Creek
   07. My Socialist
   08. The Abduction of Nettletop
   09. Jobblestone's Curry
   10. A Resurrection
   11. Reformation of Miverson's Parrot
   12. Record of a Homicide
   13. The Island of Scoriae
   14. That Fool Jones
   15. A Substantial Ghost
   16. Accursed Coin
   17. A Tale of Vanderlin Island
   18. Brewster's Afflicted Dog
   19. Jimbras of West Australia
   20. Dopper's Legacy
   21. The Invisible Horseman
   22. At Fever Camp
   23. The Secret of the Gorge
   24. The Proggleton Cup
   25. The Medium
   26. Jonson's Flea-bitten Grey
   27. The Deaf Cook
   28. The Strange Adventure of George Vallance (aka "The Compact")

Ernest Favenc: Uncollected Tales, Vol. 4
   Compiled and edited by Terry Walker
   Posted at MobileRead, 6 Jan 2023
   Also published as The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 4
   Roy Glashan's Library, DD MMM 2023    
   01. Mrs Darke's Dream
   02. The Haunted Milk Bucket
   03. An Injured Ghost
   04. The Mass-Hassa
   05. Of the Trouble Caused by Timothy
   06. In the Lap of Delilah
   07. A Wrecked Fortune
   08. The Peak of Lost Dreams
   09. M'Phail's Roan Bull
   10. A Year's Reprieve
   11. A Plot That Failed
   12. The Hill of the White Dead
   13. The Story of a Bottle
   14. A Romance of Kangaroo Point
   15. A Great War Number
   16. Johnson's Chow
   17. A Mean Piece of Work
   18. The Desert Queen
   19. Waifs of the Straits
   20. My Friend Caliban
   21. A Buccaneer's Diary
   22. The Grasp of the Dead
   23. A Tragedy of Ears
   24. Mystery of the Overland Line
   25. The Half-Castes of Mount Doubletop
   26. The Pest Year of 1905
   27. The Boy and the Black

Ernest Favenc: Uncollected Tales, Vol. 5
   Compiled and edited by Terry Walker
   Posted at MobileRead, 19 Jan 2023
   Also published as The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 5
   Roy Glashan's Library, DD MMM 2023    
   01. The Unholy Experiment of Martin Shenwick
   02. The Ghostly Bullock-Bell
   03. The Spell of the Mas-Hantoo
   04. The Sacrifice of Norman Grainger
   05. On the Island of Shadows
   06. Malchook's Doom
   07. The Red Lagoon
   08. The Last Message
   09. McWhirter's Wraith
   10. An Outstanding Debt
   11. The Boundary Rider's Story
   12. Blood For Blood
   13. A Strange Occurrence on Huckey's Creek
   14. Doomed
   15. A Doomed Man
   16. The Ghost's Victory
   17. The Track of the Dead
   18. A Geological Nightmare
   19. Jerry Boake's Confession
   20. A Desert Mystery
   21. Farrar's Mission
   22. A Poet's Mistake
   23. Spirit-Led
   24. The Story of Lafont
   25. Sundered Paths
   26. A Visitation
   27. The Legend Drameedah Told
   28. Brown's Range

Ernest Favenc: Uncollected Tales, Vol. 6
   Compiled and edited by Terry Walker
   Posted at MobileRead, 31 Jan 2023
   Also published as The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6
   Roy Glashan's Library, DD MMM 2023    
   01. Those Dissipated Cows
   02. A Lay of Ravenswood
   03. The Gold King
   04. Morrison's Buggy
   05. The Youvel Mountain Ghosts
   06. The Doom of the Desert
   07. A Feud in the Far West
   08. Not Retributive Justice
   09. A Gum-tree in the Desert
   10. The Martinet
   11. A Missing Vessel
   12. The Lively Dick
   13. The White Men of New Guinea
   14. A Reigning Family of New Guinea
   Tales of the Unexplainable
   15. Mrs Maunder's Vision
   16. The Shadow of a Shadow
   17. The Communicative Organ Grinder
   18. An Unquiet Corpse
   19. Rosita's Curse
   20. Professor Dodo's Experiment
   21. Gannon's Ghost
   22. The Black Waterhole
   23. Brewster's Afflicted Dog
   24. The Cataleptic
   25. The Haunted Milk Bucket
   26. The Black Gin's Curse
   27. "Back in Ten Minutes"
   28. Wicked Benson
   29. The Invisible Horseman
   30. Jonson's Flea-Bitten Grey
   Tales of the Tender Passion
   31. Jim's Device
   32. She Didn't Do
   33. Mad MacGregor's Wooing
   34. Jim's Second Experience of It
   35. The Downfall of Smailes
   36. Jim's Last and Serious Case

Ernest Favenc: Uncollected Tales, Vol. 7
   Compiled and edited by Terry Walker
   Posted at MobileRead, 7 Feb 2023
   Also published as The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7
   Roy Glashan's Library, 19 Feb 2023    
   01. A Very Drunken Ghost
   02. The Oldest Inhabitant
   03. The Shilling Reef
   04. Benson's Bride
   05. Natural History of a Thousand Years Ago
   06. The Askinville Feud
   07. A Tale of the Sixties.
   08. A Tale of Carpentaria
   09. A Suburban Mystery
   10. The Freckleton Fountain.
   11. Revenge of Bankson's Ghost
   12. The Eight-Mile Tragedy
   13. What Puzzled Balladune.
   14. Tommy's Ghost
   15. Mrs. Stapleton No. 2
   16. A Tradition of the MacArthur River
   17. The Extra Hand
   18. Faithful Unto Death
   19. The New Super of Oakley Downs
   20. Bill Somers
   21. A Bush Idyll
   22. The Pituri Curse
   23. A Snake Story
   24. Clarissa
   25. The Cook's Love Story
   26. A Yarn of a Pub
   27. The Story of a Rock Hole
   28. Darkie
   29. A Fusion of Intellects
   30. Diary of a Sydney Office Boy
   31. The First Discoverers of the West Australian Goldfields
   32. The Great Cataclysm of 1897
   33. Half a Poem
   34. A Hypnotised Dog
   35. In the Arctic Circle
   36. Tommy's Fall
   37. The Lost Tribe
   38. The Member for Turrawilligar
   39. Outlaw Tracking
   40. Tomlinson's Transformation
   41. The True Story of the Marvellous Fossil Discovery
   42. The Two Mayors
   43. Ching How's Revenge

The Explorers of Australia and Their Life-Work (non-fiction)
   Whitcombe and Tombs, Melbourne, 1908
   Braille Writers' Association of Victoria, Melbourne, 1914
   Project Gutenberg Australia, ebook, Mar 2005

The Extra Hand (story)
   Evening News, Sydney, 11 Nov 1899
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Faithful Unto Death (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 13 May 1899	
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Farrar's Mission (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 5 Dec 1896
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

A Fatal Gamble (story)
   The Australasian, Melbourne, 4 May 1907
   Uncollected Tales 1, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Fate of Kittycrummie (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 15 Oct 1898
   Uncollected Tales 1, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

A Feud in the Far West (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 1 May 1897
   Uncollected Tales 6, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Fey (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 17 Oct 1896
   Uncollected Tales 1, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The First Discoverers of the West Australian Goldfields
   The Evening News, Sydney, 29 Jan and  5 Feb 1898 
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

For Peace and Quiet (story)
   The Australasian, Melbourne, 16 Nov 1889
   Uncollected Tales 2, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 2, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

For the Honour of the Race (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 4 Sep 1897

Four Junction Creek (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 27 Nov 1897
   Uncollected Tales 3, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 3, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Fräulein von Heslau (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 16 Jun 1906
   Uncollected Tales 1, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Freckleton Fountain
   The Evening News, Sydney, 8 Jan 1898
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

From Rakulus Bobsun to Dalmai Latar (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 9 Jul 1898 (page images damaged)

A Fusion of Intellects (2-part story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 1 abd 8 Oct 1898
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Gannon's Ghost (story in series Tales of the Unexplainable)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 16 Nov 1895
   Uncollected Tales 6, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

A Geological Nightmare (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 8 May 1897
   Uncollected Tales 5, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 5, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

George Catinnun (story)
   My Only Murder and Other Tales, George Robertson & Co., Melbourne,1899

The Ghostly Bullock-Bell (story)
   The Bulletin, Sydney, 26 Aug 1893
   Uncollected Tales 5, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 5, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

A Ghostly Tryst (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney 25 Aug 1900
   Uncollected Tales 1, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Ghost's Victory (story)
   The Bulletin, Sydney, 19 Dec 1891
   My Only Murder and Other Tales, George Robertson & Co., Melbourne,1899
   Uncollected Tales 5, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 5, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Girl Body-Stealer (story)
   Phil May's Illustrated Annual, Winter 1901-02
   First published as Body-Stealing Extraordinary (qv) in The Evening News, Sydney, 13 Nov 1897

The Gold King (story)
   As by "Dramingo"
  The Queenslander, Brisbane, 26 Dec 1874
   Uncollected Tales 6, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Glugson's Bend Sanatorium (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 29 May 1897
   Uncollected Tales 1, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Goneranups (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 20 May 1899
   Uncollected Tales 1, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Grasp of the Dead (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 10 Nov 1900
   First published as The Dead Hand (qv) in The Bulletin, Sydney, 16 April 1881

The Great Austral Plain (non-fiction)
   H.R. Woods, Sydney, 1881

The Great Cataclysm of 1897 (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 22 May 1897
   The Queenslander, Brisbane, 26 Dec 1874
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Great Treasure Lobster (3-part story)
   The Evening News, Sydney 24 and 31 Jul, 7 Aug 1897
   Uncollected Tales 2, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 2, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

A Great War Number (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 9 Dec 1899
   Uncollected Tales 4, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 4, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

A Gruesome Shipmate (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 6 Oct 1900
   Uncollected Tales 3, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 3, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

A Gum-tree in the Desert (story)
   The Bulletin, date of first publication not ascertained; reprinted 26 Aug 1959)
   My Only Murder and Other Tales, George Robertson & Co., Melbourne,1899
   Uncollected Tales 6, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Half a Poem
   The Evening News, Sydney, 10 March 1900
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Half-Castes of Mount Doubletop (2-part story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 4 and 11 Jun 1898
   Uncollected Tales 4, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 4, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Hatter's Secret (2-part story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 30 Jun and 7 July 1900
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Haunted Milk Bucket (story in series Tales of the Unexplainable)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 11 Jan 1896
   Uncollected Tales 6, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Haunted Steamer (story)
   The Australian Town and Country Journal, Sydney,  14 Dec 1901
   Uncollected Tales 1, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Hill of the White Dead (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 3 Oct 1896
   Uncollected Tales 4, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 4, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The History of Australian Exploration 1788-1888 (non-fiction)
   Turner and Henderson, Sydney, 1888
   Griffith, London, 1888
   Project Gutenberg Australia, ebook, 2021

Horatio's Confession of Hope (story)
  As by "Dramingo"
  The Brisbane Courier, 13 Dec 1873
   Uncollected Tales 3, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 3, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Horror of Leston Downs (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 8 Aug 1896
   Uncollected Tales 1, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

How We Slewed Old Stoney (story)
   As by "Dramingo"
  The Queenslander, Brisbane, 23 Mar 1872
   Uncollected Tales 2, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 2, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Hut-Keeper and the Cattle-Stealer
   aka The Cook and the Cattle-Stealer
   The Last of Six: Tales of the Austral Tropics,    Bulletin Publishing, Australia, 1893, 1894
   The Anthology of Colonial Australian Adventure Fiction,
   Melbourne University Press, 2011

A Hypnotic Experience (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 2 Sep 1899
   The Evening News, Sydney, 8 Aug 1896
   Uncollected Tales 1, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

A Hypnotised Dog (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney,5 June 1897
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

An Injured Ghost (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 13 Oct 1900
   Uncollected Tales 4, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 4, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

In the Arctic Circle (2-part story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 11 and 18 Mar 1899
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

In the Lap of Delilah (story)
   The Australasian, Melbourne, 11 Feb 1893
   Uncollected Tales 4, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 4, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

In the Night (story)
   The Bulletin, Sydney, 17 Dec 1892
   Uncollected Tales 5, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 5, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Invisible Horseman (story in series Tales of the Unexplainable)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 7 Mar 1896
   Uncollected Tales 3, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 3, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Island of Scoriae (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 26 Jun 1897
   Uncollected Tales 3, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 3, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Jack Essingham (novel, 22 chapters)
   As by "Dramingo"
   Serialised in The Queenslander, Brisbane, 1875
   Not published in book form

Jerry Boake's Confession (story)
   The Bulletin, Sydney, 8 March 1890
   My Only Murder and Other Tales, George Robertson & Co., Melbourne, 1899
   Uncollected Tales 5, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 5, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Jimbras of Western Australia (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 13 Feb 1897
   Uncollected Tales 3, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 3, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Jim's Device (story in series Tales of the Tender Passion)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 13 Jun 1896
   Uncollected Tales 6, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Jim's Last and Serious Case (story in series Tales of the Tender Passion)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 1 Aug 1896
   Uncollected Tales 6, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Jim's Latest Experience (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 21 May 1898
   Uncollected Tales 2, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 2, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Jim's Second Experience of It (story in series Tales of the Tender Passion)
   Uncollected Tales 6, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023
   The Evening News, Sydney, 4 July 1896

Jobblestone's Curry (story)
The Mercury, Hobart, 11 July 1900
   Uncollected Tales 3, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 3, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Johnson's Chow (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 31 Mar 1900
   Uncollected Tales 4, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 4, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Jonson's Flea-Bitten Grey (story in series Tales of the Unexplainable)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 28 Mar 1896
   Uncollected Tales 3, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 3, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Justice of Captain Dampier (story)
   Australian Town and Country Journal, Sydney, 14 Jan 1899
   Uncollected Tales 2, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 2, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Kaditcha (story)
The Australasian, Melbourne, 20 Jul 1907
   Uncollected Tales 2, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 2, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Kept Secret (2-part story)
   Australian Town and Country Journal, Sydney, 19 and 26 Dec 1896
   Uncollected Tales 2, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 2, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Lady Ermetta; or, The Sleeping Secret (story)
   As by "Dramingo"
   The Queenslander, Brisbane, 25 Dec 1875
   Poject Gutenberg Australia, ebook, Jan 2019
   Uncollected Tales 2, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 2, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023
   Roy Glashan's Library, ebook, 2023

The Land of Wait (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 6 Nov 1897

The Land of the Unseen (story)
   Phil May's Illustrated Annual, Winter 1902-03
   Macabre: A Journey Through Australia's Darkest Fears, Brimstone Press, 2010
   Beyond the Orbit, Wildside Press, 2019
   First published as The Unseen Made Visible in The Evening News, Sydney, 12 Dec 1896

The Land of Wait (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 6 Nov 1897
   Uncollected Tales 1, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Last Message (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 16 Dec 1899
   Uncollected Tales 5, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 5, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Last of Old Rat (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney 24 Sep 1898
   Uncollected Tales 1, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Last of Six: Tales of the Austral Tropics (collection)
   Bulletin Publishing, Australia, 1893
   Project Gutenberg, Australia, ebook, May 2016
   01. The Last of Six
   02. A Cup Of Cold Water
   03. A Haunt Of The Jinkarras
   04. The Rumford Plains Tragedy
   05. Spirit-Led
   06. Tranter's Shot
   07. The Spell of the Mas-Hantoo
   08. The Track of the Dead
   09. The Mystery of Baines' Dog
   10. Pompey
   11. Malchook's Doom: A Nicholson River Story
   12. The Cook and the Cattle-Stealer, aka The Hut-Keeper and the Cattle-Stealer)
    13. The Parson's Blackboy
    14. A Lucky Meeting
    15. The Story Of A Big Pearl
    16. The Missing Super
    17.  That Other Fellow

The Legend Drameedah Told (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 28 May 1898
   Uncollected Tales 5, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 5, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Lively Dick (2-part story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 21 and 28 Oct 1899
   Uncollected Tales 6, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Living Dead (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 21 Dec 1901
   First published as My Story (qv) in The Queenslander, Brisbane, 6 and 20 Feb 1875
   Uncollected Tales 2, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 2, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

A Long Road's End (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 29 Dec 1900
   Uncollected Tales 1, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Lost Gully (2-part story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 5 and 12 Aug 1899
   Uncollected Tales 1, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Lost in the Winning (novel, 42 chapters)
   As by "Dramingo"
   Serialised in The Queenslander, Brisbane, 1876
   Not published in book form

The Lost Tribe (2-part story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 12 and 19 May 1900
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Luck of Tintinburra (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 23 Dec 1899
   Uncollected Tales 1, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Mad Hatter (story)
   Australian Town and Country Journal, Sydney,  26 Nov 1898
   Uncollected Tales 5, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 5, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Mad MacGregor's Wooing (story in series Tales of the Tender Passion)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 27 Jun 1896
   Uncollected Tales 6, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Malchook's Doom (story)
   The Bulletin, Sydney, 23 Jan 1892
   The Last of Six: Tales of the Austral Tropics, Bulletin Publishing, Australia, 1893
   Uncollected Tales 5, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 5, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023
Marooned on Australia (novel)
   Subtitle: Being the narration by Diedrich Buys of his discoveries and exploits in 
   Terra Australis Incognita about the year 1630,
   Blackie and Son, London, 1896

The Martinet (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 19 Oct 1901
   Uncollected Tales 6, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Mass-Hassa (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 6 Jan 1900
   Uncollected Tales 4, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 4, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Matthewson's Invisible Pig (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 13 Aug 1898
   Uncollected Tales 3, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 3, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

McPhail's Roan Bull (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 17 Dec 1898
   Uncollected Tales 4, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 4, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

McWhirter's Wraith (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 14 Jan 1899
   Phil May's Annual, #13, Summer 1902
   Uncollected Tales 5, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 5, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

A Mean Piece of Work (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 10 Oct 1896
   Uncollected Tales 4, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 4, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Medium (story)
   As by "Dramingo"
   The Queenslander, Brisbane, 12 Feb 1876
   Uncollected Tales 3, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 3, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Member for Turrawilligar
   The Evening News, Sydney, 16 Jul 1898
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

A Message From The Desert (story)
   Adelaide Observer, 24 and 31 Mar 1894
   Uncollected Tales 2, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 2, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Missing Super
   The Last of Six: Tales of the Austral Tropics,    Bulletin Publishing, Australia, 1893, 1894
A Missing Vessel (story)
  The Evening News, Sydney, 18 Jul 1896
   Uncollected Tales 6, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Mistake of a Life (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 16 Oct 1897
   Uncollected Tales 1, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Moccasins of Silence (novel)
   George Robertson and Co., Sydney, 1896
   Poject Gutenberg Australia, ebook, Jan 2019
   Roy Glashan's Library, ebook, 2023

The Monster of the Interior (2-part story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 15 and 22 Jan 1898

Morrison's Buggy (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 24 Oct 1896
   Uncollected Tales 6, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Mount of Misfortune (story)
   The Australian Town and Country Journal, Sydney, 16 Dec 1899
   Uncollected Tales 1, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Mrs. Darke's Dream (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 28 Jan 1899
   Uncollected Tales 4, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 4, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Mrs. Maunder's Vision (story in series Tales of the Unexplainable)
   The Evening News, Sydney 14 Sep 1895
   Uncollected Tales 6, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Murder of Tom Bates (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 29 Aug 1896
   Uncollected Tales 1, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

My Friend Caliban (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, Oct 1898
   Uncollected Tales 4, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 4, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

My Only Murder (story)
   My Only Murder, and Other Tales, George Robertson & Co., Melbourne, 1899
   Dead Witness, Penguin Books, 1989
   Uncollected Tales 1, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

My Only Murder, and Other Tales (collection)
   George Robertson & Co., Melbourne, 1899
   01. The Belle of Sagamodu
   02. The Eight-Mile Tragedy
   03. A North Queensland Temperance
   04. The Boundary Rider's Story
   05. A Victim to Gratitude
   06. A Tale of Vanderlin Island
   07. The Other Mrs. Brewer
   08. Blood for Blood
   09. Mrs Stapleton No. 2
   10. The New Super of Oakley Downs
   11. My Only Murder
   12. Jerry Boake's Confession
   13. Not Retributive Justice
   14. The Sea Gave Up Its Dead
   15. The Ghost's Victory
   16. What Puzzled Balladune
   17. Bill Somers
   18. A Gum-tree in the Desert
   19. An Unquiet Spirit
   20. Tommy's Ghost
   21. The Red Lagoon
   22. The Burial of Owen
   23. The Story of a Long Watch
   24. George Catinnun

My Socialist (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 10 April 1897
   Uncollected Tales 3, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 3, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Mystery of the Death Stroke (story)
   Australian Town and Country Journal, Sydney, 14 Dec 1904
   Uncollected Tales 1, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Mystery of the Overland Line (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 20 Feb 1897
   Uncollected Tales 4, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 4, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Mystery of the Pocket Book (novelette)
   Serialised in The Queenslander, Brisbane, 5, 12, 19, 26 Apr, 3 May 1890
   Uncollected Tales 2, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 2, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

My Story (2-part story)
   The Queenslander, Brisbane, 6 and 20 Feb 1875
   Reprinted as The Living Dead in The Evening News 21 Dec 1901
   Uncollected Tales 6, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Natural History of a Thousand Years Ago (story)
As by "Dramingo"
   The Queenslander, Brisbane, 3 Feb 1872
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Never Save a Man from the Sea (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 21 Mar 1896
   Uncollected Tales 2, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 2, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Not Retributive Justice
The Bulletin, Sydney, 2 Apr 1892
My Only Murder and Other Tales, George Robertson & Co., Melbourne, 1899
   Uncollected Tales 6, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

A North Queensland Temperance 
My Only Murder and Other Tales, George Robertson & Co., Melbourne, 1899

Of the Trouble Caused by Timothy (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 31 Aug 1895
   Uncollected Tales 4, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 4, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Oldest Inhabitant
   The Evening News, Sydney, 9 Jan 1897
   Past Masters 115, ebook, MobileRead, Feb 2023
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

On The Island of Shadows (story)
   The Evening News,  Sydney, 7 Nov 1896
   Phil May's Annual, #11, Winter 1900/1901
   Uncollected Tales 5, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 5, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Other Mrs. Brewer
   The Bulletin, Sydney, 14 Dec 1895
   My Only Murder and Other Tales, George Robertson & Co., Melbourne, 1899

Outlaw Tracking
   The Evening News,  Sydney, 6 May 1899
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

An Outside Incident (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney 20 Mar 1897
   Uncollected Tales 2, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 2, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

An Outstanding Debt (2-part story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 12 and 19 Jun 1897
   Reprinted as The Blood-Debt in Phil May's Illustrated Annual, Winter 1899
   Uncollected Tales 5, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 5, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Parson's Blackboy
   The Last of Six: Tales of the Austral Tropics,    Bulletin Publishing, Australia, 1893, 1894

The Peak of Lost Dreams (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 19 Dec 1896
   Uncollected Tales 4, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 4, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Pest Year of 1905 (story)
  The Evening News, Sydney, 2 April 1898
  Reprinted as What the Rats Brought in Phil May's Illustrated Annual, Winter 1904-05
   The Evening News, Sydney, 19 Dec 1896
   Uncollected Tales 4, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 4, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Phantom Cab (2-part story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 25 Nov and 2 Dec 1899
   Uncollected Tales 1, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Pituri Curse
   The Evening News, Sydney, 25 Mar 1899
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. ´7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

A Plot that Failed (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 2 Jun 1900
   Uncollected Tales 4, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 4, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

A Poet's Mistake (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 28 Aug 1897
   Uncollected Tales 5, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 5, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Prisoner of War (story)
   The Australian Town and Country Journal, Sydney, 18 Dec 1897
   Uncollected Tales 1, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Professor Dodo's Experiment (story in series Tales of the Unexplainable)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 2 Nov 1895
   Uncollected Tales 6, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Proggleton Cup (story)
   As by "Dramingo"
   The Queenslander, Brisbane, 15 Jun 1878
   Uncollected Tales 3, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 3, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Puzzle Chart (2-part story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 7 and 14 Oct 1899
   Uncollected Tales 1, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

A Racial Mixture  (story)
   Australian Town and Country Journal, Sydney,  9 Dec 1899
   Uncollected Tales 2, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 2, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Record of a Homicide (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 30 Jul 1898
   Uncollected Tales 3, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 3, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Red Lagoon (story)
   The Bulletin, Sydney, 23 April, 1892
   Uncollected Tales 5, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 5, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Reformation of Miverson's Parrot (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 13 Mar 1897
   Uncollected Tales 3, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 3, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

A Reigning Family of New Guinea (story)
The Evening News, Sydney, 3 Sep 1898
   Uncollected Tales 6, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

A Resurrection (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 15 Jul 1899
   Uncollected Tales 3, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 3, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

A Romance of Kangaroo Point (novelette)
   As by "Dramingo"
   Serialised in The Queenslander, Brisbane, Aug 1876)
   Uncollected Tales 4, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 4, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Rosita's Curse (story in series Tales of the Unexplainable)
   The Evening News, Sydney 12 Oct 1895
   Uncollected Tales 6, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Sacrifice of Norman Grainger (8-chapter novelette)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 14 Jan 1896
   Uncollected Tales 5, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 5, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023 

The Sea Gave Up Its Dead (story)
   My Only Murder and Other Tales, George Robertson & Co., Melbourne, 1899

The Secret of the Australian Desert (novel)
   Blackie and Sons, London 1895
   Originally serialised as The Burning Mountain of the Interior,
   The Queenslander, Brisbane, 15, 22 and 29 Mar 1890
   Roy Glashan's Library, ebook, 2023

The Secret of the Gorge (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 11 Feb 1899
   Uncollected Tales 3, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 3, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023 

The Shadow of a Shadow (story in series Tales of the Unexplainable)
   The Evening News, Sydney 21 Sep 1895
   Uncollected Tales 3, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 3, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023 

She Didn't Do (story in series Tales of the Tender Passion)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 20 Jun 1896
   Uncollected Tales 6, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023 

The Shilling Reef (story)
   The Tasmanian, 29 Sep 1894
   Past Masters 115, ebook, MobileRead, Feb 2023
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023 

A Singular Hallucination (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 17 Jul 1897
   Uncollected Tales 3, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 3, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023 

The Skeleton's Legacy (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 1 Apr 1899
   Uncollected Tales 1, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

A Snake Story
   The Evening News, Sydney, 6 Oct 1900
   Murrurundi Times and Liverpool Plains Gazette, 27 Oct 1900
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023 

Something to His Advantage (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 23 Jul 1898
   Uncollected Tales 2, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 2, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023 

The Spell Of The Mas-Hantoo (story)
   The Bulletin, Sydney, 20 Dec 1890
   The Last of Six: Tales of the Austral Tropics,    Bulletin Publishing, Australia, 1893, 1894
   Uncollected Tales 5, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 5, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023 

Spirit-Led (story)
   The Bulletin, Sydney, 20 Dec 1890
   The Last of Six: Tales of the Austral Tropics,    Bulletin Publishing, Australia, 1893, 1894
   Uncollected Tales 5, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 5, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Stolen Colours (story)
   The Last of Six: Tales of the Austral Tropics,    Bulletin Publishing, Australia, 1893, 1894

The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1
   See Ernest Favenc: Uncollected Stories, Vol. 1

The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 2
   See Ernest Favenc: Uncollected Stories, Vol. 2

The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 3
   See Ernest Favenc: Uncollected Stories, Vol. 3

The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 4
   See Ernest Favenc: Uncollected Stories, Vol. 5

The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 5
   See Ernest Favenc: Uncollected Stories, Vol. 5

The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6
   See Ernest Favenc: Uncollected Stories, Vol. 6

The Story of a Big Pearl
   The Last of Six: Tales of the Austral Tropics,    Bulletin Publishing, Australia, 1893, 1894

The Story of a Long Watch
   My Only Murder and Other Tales, George Robertson & Co., Melbourne, 1899
   Past Masters 112, ebook, MobileRead, 11 Jan 2023

The Story of a Rock Hole (story)
  The Australian Town and Country Journal, Sydney, 21 Dec 1895
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023 

The Story of Lafont (3-part story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 18 and 25 Sep, 2 Oct 1897
   Uncollected Tales 5, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 5, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023 

The Strange Adventure of George Vallance (story)
   As by "Dramingo"
   The Brisbane Courier, 30 Oct 1880
   Reprinted as The Compact in The Evening News, Sydney, 15 Dec 1900
   Uncollected Tales 3, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 3, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023 

A Strange Occurrence On Huckey's Creek (story)
   The Bulletin, Sydney, 11 Dec 1897
   Uncollected Tales 3, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 3, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Strangler's Noose (2-part story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 31 Dec 1898 and 7 Jan 1899

A Substantial Ghost (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 22 Jul 1899
   Uncollected Tales 3, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 3, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

   The Evening News, Sydney, 17 Mar 1900
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Sundered Paths (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 9 Jul 1898
   Uncollected Tales 5, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 5, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Swagman's Dream (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 17 Nov 1900
   Uncollected Tales 1, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

A Tale of Carpentaria (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 11 Aug 1900
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

A Tale of the Sixties (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 24 Apr 187
   The Western Argus, Kalgoorlie, 20 May 1897
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

A Tale of the Western Desert (story)
   The Bendigo Advertiser, Victoria, 10 Feb 1894
   Uncollected Tales 1, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Tales of the Austral Tropics (British edition of The Last of Six: Tales of the Austral Tropics)
  Osgood, McIlvaine and Co., London, 1894
   Preface by Rolfe Boldrewood
   01. A Cup of Cold Water
   02. The Rumford Plains Tragedy
   03. A Haunt of the Jinkarras
   04. Tranter's Shot
   05. Spirit-Led
   06. The Mystery of Baines' Dog
   07. The Hut-Keeper and the Cattle-Stealer
   08. The Parson's Blackboy
   09. A Lucky Meeting
   10. The Other Fellow
   11. The Stolen Colours
   12. Bunthorp's Decease
   13. The Story of a Big Pearl

Tales of the Tender Passion (series)
   The Evening News, Sydney
   1. Jim's Device, 13 Jun 1896
   2. She Didn't Do, 20 June 1896
   3. Mad MacGregor's Wooing, 27 Jun 1896
   4. Jim's Second Experience of It, 4 July 1896
   5. The Downfall of Smailes, 11 July 1896
   6. Jim's Last and Serious Case, 1 Aug 1896

Tales of the Unexplainable (series)
   The Evening News, Sydney
   01. Mrs Maunder's Vision, 14 Sep 1895
   02. The Shadow of a Shadow, 21 Sep 1895
   03. The Communicative Organ Grinder, 28 Sep 1895
   04. Professor Dodo's Experiment, 2 Nov 1895
   05. An Unquiet Corpse, 5 Oct 1895
   06. Rosita's Curse, 12 Oct 1895
   07. Gannon's Ghost, 16 Nov 1895
   08. The Black Waterhole, 30 Nov 1895
   09. Brewsters Afflicted Dog, 28 Dec 1895
   10. The Cataleptic, 4 Jan 1896 
   11. The Haunted Milk Bucket, 11 Jan 1896
   12. The Black Gin's Curse, 25 Jan 1896
   13. "Back in Ten Minutes," 1 Feb 1896
   14. Wicked Benson, 29 Feb 1896
   15. The Invisible Horseman, 7 Mar 1896
   16. Jonson's Flea-Bitten Grey, 28 Mar 1896
   17. The Living Dead, 21 Dec 1901

A Tale of Vanderlin Island 
   The Bulletin, Sydney, 11 Aug 1894
   My Only Murder and Other Tales, George Robertson & Co., Melbourne, 1899
   Uncollected Tales 3, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 3, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

That Fool Jones (story)
The Evening News, Sydney, 22 Apr 1899

That Other Fellow (story)
   The Last of Six: Tales of the Austral Tropics,    Bulletin Publishing, Australia, 1893, 1894

Those Dissipated Cows (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 12 Sep 1886
   Uncollected Tales 6, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Tomlinson's Transformation
   The Evening News, Sydney, 21 Jul 1900
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Tommy's Fall
   The Evening News, Sydney, 26 May 1900
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Tommy's Ghost
   My Only Murder and Other Tales, George Robertson & Co., Melbourne, 1899
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Track of the Dead (story)
   The Bulletin, Sydney, 23 Apr 1892
   Uncollected Tales 5, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 5, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

A Tradition of the MacArthur River
   The Evening News, Sydney, 6 Jun 1896
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

A Tragedy of Ears (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 23 April 1898
   Uncollected Tales 4, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 4, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

Tralooa (2-part story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 20 and 27 Jan 1900
   Uncollected Tales 1, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The True Story of the Marvellous Fossil Discovery (stor)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 1 Dec 1897
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Two Mayors
   The Evening News, Sydney, 2 May 1896
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Unholy Experiment of Martin Shenwick, and What Came of It (story)
   Australian Town and Country Journal, Sydney, 17 December 1898)
   Uncollected Tales 5, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 5, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

An Unquiet Corpse (story in series Tales of the Unexplainable)
   The Evening News, Sydney 5 Oct 1895
   Uncollected Tales 1, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

An Unquiet Spirit (story)
   The Bulletin, Sydney, 3 Nov 1894
   My Only Murder and Other Tales, George Robertson & Co., Melbourne, 1899

The Unseen Made Visible
   The Evening News, Sydney, 12 Dec 1896
   Reprinted as The Land of the Unseen in Phil May's Illustrated Annual, Winter 1902-03

An Unwilling Pirate (story)
   Australian Town and Country Journal, Sydney, 19 Oct 1901
   Uncollected Tales 1, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 1, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

A Very Drunken Ghost
   The Evening News, Sydney, 23 Jan 1897
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

A Vice-Regal Visit
   The Evening News, 26 Dec 1896

A Victim to Gratitude
   My Only Murder and Other Tales, George Robertson & Co., Melbourne, 1899

A Visitation (3-part story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 3, 10 and 24 Jun 1899
   Uncollected Tales 5, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 5, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Voices of the Desert (poetry)
   Elliot Stock, London, 1905
   Poject Gutenberg Australia, ebook, Jan 2019
   Roy Glashan's Library, ebook, 2023

The Waif of the Straits (story)
   Australian Town and Country Journal, Sydney, 17 Dec 1898
   Uncollected Tales 4, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 4, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Wastrel (story)
   Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 27 Feb 1907
   Uncollected Tales 2, ebook, MobileRead, 2022
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 2, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

What Puzzled Balladune
   My Only Murder and Other Tales, George Robertson & Co., Melbourne, 1899
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

What the Rats Brought (story)
   Phil May's Illustrated Annual, Winter 1904-05
   Steampunk Prime, NonStop Press, 2010
   Beyond the Orbit, Wildside Press, 2019
   First published as The Pest Year of 1905 (qv) in The Evening News, Sydney, 2 Apr 1898

The White Men of New Guinea (novelette)
   Serialised in The Evening News, Sydney, 19 Feb-26 Mar 1898 

Wicked Benson (story in series Tales of the Unexplainable)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 29 Feb 1896   
   Uncollected Tales 6, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

A Wrecked Fortune (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 19 Sep 1896
   Uncollected Tales 6, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 6, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

A Yarn of a Pub
   The Evening News, Sydney, 3 April 1897
   Uncollected Tales 7, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 7, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

A Year's Reprieve (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 20 Aug 1898
   Uncollected Tales 4, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 4, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023

The Youvel Mountain Ghosts (story)
   The Evening News, Sydney, 9 Oct 1897
   Uncollected Tales 4, ebook, MobileRead, 2023
   The Stories of Ernest Favenc, Vol. 4, ebook, Project    Gutenberg Australia & Roy Glashan's Library, 2023


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